
Bouquet Font Family
Bouquet Font Family

Bouquet Font Family
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Bouquet font is a cursive fat typeface influenced by brush writing and skilfully flavored with elements of fractur. The result is really amazing – a font with bespoke personality, strong unique presence and classy standing out amongst the other look. Type designer Dzianis Serabrakou really did well in every single letterform, aperture, curve and line, but this was probably below satisfactory and he didn’t stop here – Denis developed the font to a higher level by making it fully open-type compatible. Bouquet supports large set of multilingual diacritics plus a beautifully designed set of Cyrillic characters. Additionally you will be able to use also ligatures and really lots of alternative symbols to bring more life, versatility and personalization in your work. Initially Bouquet has been designed as a logo font – it is so identical that could easily turn every brand name into logo icon. Furthermore this font is perfect for designing t-shirts, typographic posters, packaging etc and it is highly recommended for letterpress as well as for normal offset and screen printing.

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